A collection of 100+ valuable prompts to improve your work with Unifire. These are merely inspirations; you can use anything else you can come up with.

1. Extending Content

  1. Extend this paragraph with more details.
  2. Add an example to support this point.
  3. Expand on this section by including a relevant case study.
  4. Provide more background information on this topic.
  5. Include statistics to back up this argument.
  6. Elaborate on the key benefits of this feature.
  7. Add more context to this discussion.
  8. Offer a counterargument and refute it.
  9. Include additional steps to make this guide more comprehensive.
  10. Add a personal anecdote to enrich this narrative.

2. Shortening Content

  1. Summarize this paragraph in two sentences.
  2. Condense this section to highlight the main points.
  3. Shorten this introduction to be more concise.
  4. Reduce the word count of this explanation without losing meaning.
  5. Turn this detailed process into a quick summary.
  6. Trim down this content to make it more digestible.
  7. Remove redundant information from this passage.
  8. Create a brief overview of this section.
  9. Cut this paragraph down to its essentials.
  10. Simplify this text to fit within a 100-word limit.

3. Summarizing

  1. Provide a quick summary of this entire article.
  2. Summarize the key takeaways from this text.
  3. Generate a brief overview of the main points.
  4. Write a concise abstract for this document.
  5. Summarize this content into three bullet points.
  6. Create a one-sentence summary of this section.
  7. Give a summary focusing on the benefits discussed.
  8. Summarize this content with a focus on the action steps.
  9. Write a short conclusion summarizing the key findings.
  10. Condense this section into a brief summary for a newsletter.

4. Adding More Points

  1. Include three additional tips related to this topic.
  2. Add a section on potential pitfalls to avoid.
  3. Incorporate more actionable advice into this content.
  4. Suggest further reading or resources on this subject.
  5. Provide more examples to illustrate this concept.
  6. Add another viewpoint to this discussion.
  7. List more advantages of using this method.
  8. Include additional research findings to support this claim.
  9. Add more details on how this feature can be implemented.
  10. Include FAQs related to this topic.

5. Changing Aspects of the Content

  1. Rewrite this paragraph with a more formal tone.
  2. Change the perspective to first-person.
  3. Adjust the language to suit a younger audience.
  4. Rewrite this section in a more conversational style.
  5. Transform this text into a persuasive argument.
  6. Convert this explanation into a step-by-step guide.
  7. Change the tone of this content to be more motivational.
  8. Modify this content to focus on the benefits for beginners.
  9. Rewrite this text with a humorous touch.
  10. Adjust the message to appeal to a technical audience.

6. Formatting Content

  1. Format this list into bullet points.
  2. Turn this paragraph into a numbered list.
  3. Convert this text into a table for easier comparison.
  4. Add headings to organize this content.
  5. Break this section into smaller paragraphs.
  6. Create a checklist based on these steps.
  7. Format this content as a FAQ section.
  8. Transform this text into an outline.
  9. Highlight the key points in bold.
  10. Format this explanation into a Q&A style.

7. Translating Content

  1. Translate this paragraph into Spanish.
  2. Convert this text into simple English.
  3. Translate this section to appeal to a global audience.
  4. Rewrite this content for a non-native English speaker.
  5. Translate this document into French with a formal tone.
  6. Convert this text into marketing language in German.
  7. Adapt this message for a Japanese audience.
  8. Translate this paragraph into Italian, focusing on clarity.
  9. Modify this text for an Australian English audience.
  10. Translate this into Chinese, keeping the business context in mind.

8. Improving Readability

  1. Simplify this content to a 7th-grade reading level.
  2. Break down this complex concept into simpler terms.
  3. Make this section easier to read by using shorter sentences.
  4. Remove jargon to improve clarity.
  5. Rewrite this content using everyday language.
  6. Improve the readability by adding transition words.
  7. Make this paragraph more engaging by varying sentence length.
  8. Add subheadings to make this section more skimmable.
  9. Rewrite this text to improve its flow.
  10. Enhance readability by using active voice.

9. Enhancing Engagement

  1. Add a rhetorical question to engage the reader.
  2. Include a call-to-action at the end of this section.
  3. Incorporate a surprising fact to capture interest.
  4. Rewrite this text to be more conversational.
  5. Add a storytelling element to make this point more compelling.
  6. Include an analogy to help illustrate this idea.
  7. Pose a challenge to the reader to encourage interaction.
  8. Introduce an element of suspense to hook the reader.
  9. Add an emotional appeal to strengthen the argument.
  10. Include a relatable scenario to draw the reader in.

10. Editing and Polishing

  1. Correct any grammatical errors in this content.
  2. Improve the word choice to make this text more impactful.
  3. Refine this paragraph to make it more concise.
  4. Edit this section for a smoother flow.
  5. Remove any repetitive phrases from this content.
  6. Improve the overall coherence of this text.
  7. Polish this text to make it sound more professional.
  8. Edit for consistency in tone throughout this piece.
  9. Refine this conclusion to leave a stronger impression.
  10. Proofread this content for spelling and punctuation mistakes.

11. Adding New Elements

  1. Add a new paragraph elaborating on the main point.
  2. Write an FAQ section addressing common questions about this topic.
  3. Create a concluding paragraph that reinforces the key takeaways.
  4. Add a new introduction that grabs the reader’s attention.
  5. Write a paragraph that introduces a related subtopic.
  6. Include a sidebar explaining a technical term in simple language.
  7. Add a paragraph that outlines potential next steps for the reader.
  8. Write a summary paragraph that provides an overview of the entire content.
  9. Create a new section that discusses real-world applications of this concept.
  10. Add a call-to-action paragraph encouraging the reader to engage further.
  11. Generate a compelling title for this content to attract readers.
  12. Write a foreword introducing the purpose and significance of the text.
  13. Create a glossary section defining key terms used throughout the content.
  14. Add a preface that provides background information or context for the text.
  15. Write an author’s note explaining the inspiration behind this content.
  16. Develop a list of key points or a table of contents for quick navigation.
  17. Add an epilogue summarizing the overall message or providing a final thought.
  18. Include a resources section listing further reading materials or references.
  19. Create a newsletter introduction that sets the tone for the content inside.
  20. Add a dedication or acknowledgment section to give credit to contributors or inspirations.

12. Ideating/Brainstorming

  1. Brainstorm alternative headlines for this content.
  2. Generate new ideas for expanding this topic into a series of articles.
  3. List potential case studies that could be included to strengthen this point.
  4. Brainstorm questions that could be answered in a follow-up post.
  5. Generate ideas for interactive elements related to this content, like quizzes or polls.
  6. List different angles from which this topic could be approached.
  7. Come up with potential objections readers might have and how to address them.
  8. Brainstorm additional use cases for the ideas presented.
  9. Generate a list of related topics that could be linked within this content.